46 Freshfield Ave, Wantirna South VIC 3152, Australia


46 Freshfield Ave, Wantirna South VIC 3152, Australia

Common Mistakes Made During Driving Tests and How to Avoid Them

Having a driver’s license may be one of the biggest achievements for those learning to drive in Melbourne, but the process can be quite stressful, particularly when having to face the driving test on the first attempt. Therefore, it is worth considering the common mistakes that candidates make during the test in order to maximize their chances of success. In this guide, we’ll look at some common mistakes as well as ways to avoid them if you’re taking your driving test in Melbourne, Australia.

1. Not Practicing Enough Before the Test

Common Mistake

The most common mistake that candidates make is that they don’t practice enough. Most people develop overconfidence after a few lessons and tend to sit for the test without enough practice. Inexperienced workers tend to make mistakes that an experienced worker would not have made in the first place.

How to Avoid It

However, ensure that you have ample practice before you can sit for your driving test. In Victoria learner drivers are expected to complete not less than 120 hours of practical driving accompanied by another licensed driver of which 20 hours must be done at night. Take advantage of such time by making sure you practice under different circumstances such as peak traffic density, highways, differing weather conditions, and unfamiliar territories. The more exposure a driver has on different roads, the more equipped he will be to handle a variety of situations.

2. Improper Observation and Scanning

Common Mistake

Not observing and scanning the road adequately is one of the worst mistakes a candidate can make in a driving test. This includes failure to check the mirrors from time to time, failure to look behind before turning, or failure to notice signs.

How to Avoid It 

It is advisable to cultivate the habit of frequently checking the mirrors. Use the ‘Mirror-Signal-Manoeuvre’ routine: look behind them, indicate that they are going to do it, and then do it. Before changing lanes or merging, you should always check your shoulder. Melbourne is another place with many trams, cyclists, and pedestrians, so awareness is important here. Pay close attention to the intersections and pedestrian crossings, and look out for trams, and cyclists.

3. Incorrect Speed Management

Common Mistake

Another common problem is driving either at high speed or, on the contrary, low speed. Going slightly over the top of the speed limit is enough to cause an instant fail. On the other hand, driving under the speed limit can create traffic congestion and show that the driver is not confident.

How to Avoid It

One has to be very cautious with the speed limit, which commonly varies, particularly when approaching school zones or construction sites. In this case, it is important to practice how to sustain proper speed in various conditions. In residential areas, the limit of speed is normally 50 km/h while in highways the limit may be as high as 100 km/h. Regularly check your speed using the car speedometer and ensure that it is at the right level. As always, safe and appropriate speed is an indication that you are a competent driver.

4. Improper Use of Indicators

Common Mistake

Not using indicators correctly or omitting to signal at all can be a big problem. This type of error is often noticeable during a turn, while lane changing or while merging with other lanes.

How to Avoid It

Signals are highly useful in conveying a message to the other road users. Make sure you indicate your intentions clearly at least 30 meters before turning or changing a lane in Melbourne. Make sure that the indicator is on sufficiently to communicate your intentions to the other road users. After successfully completing the manoeuvre, look at the indicator light to ensure that it goes off to prevent confusing other drivers.

5. Failure to Give Way

Common Mistake

An offence of not yielding when necessary leads to complications and failing the test, which is considered fatal. This is particularly the case at junctions, roundabouts, and zebra/pelican crossings.

How to Avoid

It is essential to learn and comprehend give-way rules that apply in Victoria. At the roundabout, you must yield to any vehicle that is already on the roundabout. As for turning at intersections where there are no signs, you must yield to vehicles to your right. Never overtake other vehicles when going through pedestrian crossings. Take a slow speed when approaching an intersection or roundabout, so that you have enough time to analyze the traffic and make the right decisions.

6. Improper Lane Usage

Common Mistake

Some issues may occur when one is driving in the wrong lane, not maintaining a proper position in the lane, or when one is not changing lanes appropriately. This is most often observed on multiple-lane roads and highways but can also be encountered on any other roads.

How to Avoid It

The car is always to drive in the left lane except when overtaking or turning right. When you want to turn, you have to look at the mirrors, and blinker, and make a shoulder check to see that the lane you want to move to is clear. Look out for signs and markings on the road and make sure you do not overtake or stray into other lanes. This could be difficult so try to familiarize yourself with merging into traffic, especially during rush hours.

7. Lack of Confidence and Hesitation

Common Mistake

Of course, it is always wiser to be careful but excessive care may sometimes mean that one is not sure of whether he or she can handle a situation and this may lead to accidents or cause traffic jams. This includes when a driver slows down at an intersection or roundabout even when they are free to go.

How to Avoid It

This is because you can only build confidence when you practice more and in different road conditions. If you need more practice, take additional lessons for the sections that are challenging for you. While performing the test, do not get nervous, try to relax and rely on the instructions you have received. Examiners do not wish to have you sit on the fence more rather, they would wish to see you take necessary and safe actions.

8. Not Preparing for the Test Day

Common Mistake

Getting to the testing centre late, not having your documents with you, or not being acquainted with the testing area can lead to stress and consequently affect the test results.

How to Avoid It

Make sure you have all the necessary documents handy; this includes your learner’s permit, your logbook and your identification. It is advisable to get to the test centre at least 15 minutes early. If you can, take a drive around the test centre to familiarize yourself with the routes and traffic patterns. Take your time to prepare for the test and ensure that you sleep well before the test to avoid nervousness and take a healthy meal to keep you energetic during the test.


  1. What are the most common reasons for failing a driving test in Melbourne?

The most common reasons for failing a driving test in Melbourne include failing to give way correctly, not checking mirrors or blind spots regularly, improper use of indicators, and speeding. Other frequent mistakes are not following road signs and markings, poor lane discipline, and failing to make safe gap selections when merging or turning.

  1. How can I prepare for the driving test in Melbourne?

To prepare for the driving test in Melbourne, it’s essential to practice driving in various conditions, such as busy urban streets, highways, and quiet residential areas. Familiarize yourself with Melbourne’s road signs and regulations. Consider taking a few driving lessons with a certified driving instructor who understands the testing criteria in Melbourne. Additionally, practising the specific manoeuvres that will be tested, like parallel parking, three-point turns, and hill starts, will boost your confidence.

  1. What should I do if I fail my driving test in Melbourne?

If you fail your driving test in Melbourne, don’t be discouraged. You can retake the test after a cooling-off period, usually seven days. Use the feedback provided by the examiner to identify areas where you need improvement. Practice those specific areas, perhaps with a driving instructor, to correct any mistakes. Make sure you are comfortable with the test routes and understand the testing procedures before attempting the test again.

  1. Are there any specific road rules in Melbourne that I should be aware of during the driving test?

Yes, Melbourne has some specific road rules you need to be aware of during the driving test. For instance, trams are common in Melbourne, and there are specific rules for driving near trams, such as stopping when tram doors are open and allowing passengers to board or alight. Also, hook turns at certain intersections require turning right from the left lane. It’s crucial to know these local rules and adhere to them during your driving test.